App that helps you keep track of your belongings packed in boxes during the move.

It not only simplifies the moving process but also promotes environmental consciousness.

With this app, you can ensure that you don’t forget what you already have, avoiding unnecessary purchases and reducing waste.

Additionally, the app offers another advantage, especially when friends from your hometown come to visit.

If you need a specific item, simply take a photo of it and send them the box number. They can easily locate the item for you. This feature not only saves you time and effort but also strengthens your bond with friends as they can help you find items from storage.

If you decide that you no longer need certain items, you can give them to friends, sell them, or donate them to charity. There’s no need to keep unnecessary items that could be useful to someone else.

By using this app, you contribute to a more mindful approach to nature and enjoy the convenience of easy access to your stored belongings.

App that helps you keep track of your belongings packed in boxes during the move.

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